Thursday, September 6, 2012

How Thin are You?

As of right now, I have myself involved in marching band, Key Club, the debate team, youth worship band at my church, all AP classes, including Spanish 2, and later in the year, Indoor Drumline, which you'll hear lot about around November for the rest of the year. So, one might say I'm spread a little thin... However, that's the way I like it. When I have too much free time, I just don't know what to do with myself. But I wanted to talk about reasons and rewards for doing lots of activities.

Think now, and take a tally of all the activities that your involved in. Lots? Few? Now ask why do you do each of these? Is it for you? Your parents? Friends? Do you enjoy it? Wish you did less? More? I do lots of activities because I love my life being that way. Doing lots of activities makes me feel useful and wanted. But I do not do all these things to make others happy. Its not easy sometimes, and if I didn't love all of the stuff I did, I'd be out faster than you could ask me not to. So ask yourself, who do you do stuff for? I mentioned a few days ago that this is your life, and you should lead it the way that you want to. When you ask these questions, really dig deep, because you may think you hate band, of orchestra, or whatever you do, and that you only do it because you parents make you, but deep down inside, you probably love it and just don't want to say it. Lets be honest, if you didn't want to be in band, you wouldn't be in band. Its your choice, and nobody elses.

This might be as interesting as my last two topics but whatever... comment what you think!!

Live Life

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