Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today in History

To all those who were thinking that we all forgot what today is, I would like to say that we didn't. Many people, including myself, wouldn't like to make a big deal out of this whole event. Today during the moment of silence after the pledge, I prayed for our country, all those fighting for it, and all those who have died defending it, regardless of the situation. So, while we didn't make a big  deal out of it, it was on all of our mind. We could never forget.

Which makes me want to talk about respect... To those who screw around during the pledge everyday, stop. Maybe you just don't see how incredibly lucky each and every one of us are. People die everyday for you and me. The least we could do is to put your hand over your heart and tell them that you appreciate what they do. Because without them, we would all be trapped in a country where we had to worship a certain way, only say and write certain things, and follow one and only one person. But no, because we're America damn it!! You love this ocuntry dont you? Show it!!! Because the brave men and women that work for good ole Uncle Sam and putting their lives on the line every single day for you and what you want.

God bless the USA

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