Friday, December 21, 2012

Puzzle Peices

Sooo I haven't posted in a very long time, just because. Go ahead, sue me. While I have been very busy lately, which is only about to get worse, I have other things on my mind than blogging. I kinda feel like for a while now, I've been trying to figure out who I wanna be in life, or atleast for the next 4 years. But lately here, everything seems to be alright. Not much is making me mad, and just about everything is making me happy. I've developed the best group of friends I think one could ever ask for, including a new girlfriend :) If you didn't know, Hannah and I broke up, but that was like a month and a half ago, so your really behind... But anyways, Lindsey is amazing, beautiful, and just about the cutest thing on earth. sooooooooo thats good :D I've just gotten back from the best time I have had in a very long time. I almost murdered somebody with a spoon, I might have broken a finger by drumstick blunt force, I got deadleged about 49 times, as well as handing out quite a few myself. I also got beat up by a girl, but that a diffirent story... Anyways, I just wanted to show you, whoever you are, whatever your situation, wether I know you or not, that hope can rise, no matter what. God will always be there to help you through. Which reminds me, while I know that not all of you believe in Gos, I just want to tell you that being in a relationship with Gos is an amazing thing. If I know you, or if I dont, I still want you to enjoy what I enjoy every single day. Just something to think about... Soooo thats just about it. Just remember that life is meant for you to enjoy it, so you should! There is always a chance for hope, and it will rise if you want it to. If all else fails, we only have 37 minutes to live... Stay strong -Mason

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How Life Is

The Narrative – Fade

I saw this option on Spotify, and I thought it would be a really good thing to put on here, so I did. While this song does satisfy my current Indie Rock kick(comment any song suggestions!), it also has a very good message in it as well. Before you read on, slick on the link and listen to the song, or none of this will make sense. (It's a safe link I promise!) Now I am a Christian, so naturally I relate this song to Christianity. Sorry if that's not your thing, but I still encourage you to read on. If we don't leave now, we will break, we will falter, we will fade. I see this to be very true in our lives. Temptation is everywhere in this world, and it's very hard not to conform to the current standards of the Earth and do what God calls you to do, regardless of your surroundings. But that's just how life is sometimes, and only God can give you the strength to overpower the sin of the world we live in. After all, The Big Guy did create the whole thing, including us, so He pretty much knows what He's doing. We all know were not perfect, and to me and other Christians, that means we sin everyday. If we don't leave our life of sin, as were called to do in John 8:1-11. However, the song does make it seem like you can't get back to where you were, and of course by the grace of God, we can, even though we are insignificant compared to the Lord. While you might not be shunned to hell for eternity, if we don't leave our life of sin, we will live a life constantly trying to pull from God, while he only pulls What I guess I'm trying to say, is that even though God will always give us forgiveness for anything we do, that doesn't give a ticket to go sin freely all day. It's a hard thing to be able to comprehend God's love for us, and how he can be so strong in loving us, even we don't show our love for him sometimes. While this song doesn't mention anything about God of forgiveness or anything of that nature, I'm sure God showed it to me for a reason, and made me want to put it on this stupid little blog. I encourage all of you to accept Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, for only He in all his Glory can save you from death and bring you into eternal life with Him.

Thanks for reading, God bless

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm a Hipster

So I know I Haven posted in a very long time, and I'm sorry, I've just been real busy. But high school is going really good, all A's so far in all AP classes PLUS band PLUS key club PLUS a small but still respectable social life. One reason I haven't posted is because I dropped both mine and my sisters laptops... sooo I  just got mine back today from the shop, so while that means I can now do all my homework on the computer, it also means I'm back on my Spotify addiction...

While it may be a touchy subject, I wanna sated my opinion on this whole Amanda Todd deal. Quiet honestly, I'm already getting tired of the facebook posts about it. "It was her fault!" "It wasn't her fault!" It's just too much. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand what happened was terrible, but at this point, I feel that the last thing we should be doing is pointing fingers. But is does tell us all something. I don't wanna get into that on here, but I think you all know what it means to you. But addressing the facebook posts, I understand love and memory, but I as if lots of the posts are for the sake of doing it. Stop being mainstream!! I know I said I said I was a hipster, but I'm really not at all. However, I am against doing things to be noticed of because everybody is doing it. Also, lots of people are posting.talking like they were best friends... I live in Texas, and, correct me if I'm wrong, but Amanda lived in Canada. Now please don't jump at me for being inconsiderate or unloving or whatever you wanna call it. I really do care, and her family will be in my prayers.

Keep your head up

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Sooooo I realize that I've kinda crapped out on keeping up with this for a few days, but I'll try to be better about it now. I dropped my laptop, and its not working right now, and I'm on my sisters. It's kinda weird, because even though we have the exact same laptop, I feel really out of my element...

So as I sit here watching Breaking Bad (yes I'm addicted, no pun intended), I still can't think of anything to write about tonight.... sooo I hope something interesting will happen soon that will inspire me... :) Sooo until then,

Keep living!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today in History

To all those who were thinking that we all forgot what today is, I would like to say that we didn't. Many people, including myself, wouldn't like to make a big deal out of this whole event. Today during the moment of silence after the pledge, I prayed for our country, all those fighting for it, and all those who have died defending it, regardless of the situation. So, while we didn't make a big  deal out of it, it was on all of our mind. We could never forget.

Which makes me want to talk about respect... To those who screw around during the pledge everyday, stop. Maybe you just don't see how incredibly lucky each and every one of us are. People die everyday for you and me. The least we could do is to put your hand over your heart and tell them that you appreciate what they do. Because without them, we would all be trapped in a country where we had to worship a certain way, only say and write certain things, and follow one and only one person. But no, because we're America damn it!! You love this ocuntry dont you? Show it!!! Because the brave men and women that work for good ole Uncle Sam and putting their lives on the line every single day for you and what you want.

God bless the USA

Thursday, September 6, 2012

How Thin are You?

As of right now, I have myself involved in marching band, Key Club, the debate team, youth worship band at my church, all AP classes, including Spanish 2, and later in the year, Indoor Drumline, which you'll hear lot about around November for the rest of the year. So, one might say I'm spread a little thin... However, that's the way I like it. When I have too much free time, I just don't know what to do with myself. But I wanted to talk about reasons and rewards for doing lots of activities.

Think now, and take a tally of all the activities that your involved in. Lots? Few? Now ask why do you do each of these? Is it for you? Your parents? Friends? Do you enjoy it? Wish you did less? More? I do lots of activities because I love my life being that way. Doing lots of activities makes me feel useful and wanted. But I do not do all these things to make others happy. Its not easy sometimes, and if I didn't love all of the stuff I did, I'd be out faster than you could ask me not to. So ask yourself, who do you do stuff for? I mentioned a few days ago that this is your life, and you should lead it the way that you want to. When you ask these questions, really dig deep, because you may think you hate band, of orchestra, or whatever you do, and that you only do it because you parents make you, but deep down inside, you probably love it and just don't want to say it. Lets be honest, if you didn't want to be in band, you wouldn't be in band. Its your choice, and nobody elses.

This might be as interesting as my last two topics but whatever... comment what you think!!

Live Life

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who's Your Best Friend?

Who's is your best friend? Your buddy since kindergarten? The guy you met at summer camp? A new friend? All of those are great, but I want to talk specifically about those you love. And I mean love love. Boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives (I'm not sure some of the people that read this could be married), all that good stuff. So are they your best friend? Or better? Think back to when you were dating, or just friends. Remember that? The best time you ever had with our significant other right? Unfortunately, sometimes that changes when things go to the next level. But why?? Wasn't if fun spending every waking moment thinking about that guy or girl? Why should that all change now?

People say love is a game. And it is, but not in the same way that most say it. Sure loves a game, and you can lose, but if you want to win, then of course you can! Love may be a game, but its a game for only two. You can play by your own special set of rules. Hannah (my beautiful girlfriend) is my best friend, who I could tell anything, who could always be there for me. I think that whoever that person is for you, however far your relationship is, the partnership should be as special and sacred as that best friend fro kindergarten that you told everything. Or the person you stayed up countless hours with at sleepovers, where you talked about your picture perfect wedding, and the picture perfect guy, who would eventually come to rescue you. If you have already been rescued, then what do you have to be worried about? The one you love should be the best of friends, there for you every time, somebody your never afraid to talk to.

But over all of the Shining armor and the perfect wedding, trust that God put you together for a reason. Being God, he pretty much knows whats right. He doesn't play sports but he makes a goal in ALL of them. Everywhere? Everywhere. Believe that your paths crossed because you were meant to be together, blessed by God. Trust, pray, and be happy.

If your still one of those people looking for somebody to love (JB reference, I love that song), then be patient. When your going through one of those days and you need to talk to that one person, telling them "I wish I had a boy/girlfriend, you may not realize it, but it may turn out that the person you've been looking for all this time, is the one you found a long time ago.

Everything happens for a reason, and every relationship is blessed by God. Trust in Him and He will make everything work in you and your love favor.

God Bless

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Fatal Flaw

This was inspired by a particular episode of Scurbs, when Dr.John Dorian describes the fatal flaws of each of his peers. So, if its on Scrubs, it must be true *I dont have a life five!* So even if we dont like to admit it, we all have some kind of thing, that can weigh us down. Mabye its self confidence, or maybe the ability to trust others. But whatever it is, each flaw is unique to each of us, so nobody knows exactly what were going through. Not only regarding fatal flaws, but in every single aspect of life. We all have a unique story, thats what makes life so hard sometimes. But anyways,fatal flaws can be fixed without much trouble. You just have to open up, trust yourself and others, and forget about the world says. Because at the end of the day, it is YOUR life... who else could live it the right way but you. Which brings me to another point... Live your life the way you want to, regardless of what is expected, or desired by others. I make music because I want to. Making other people happy is just a bonus. However, Im not suggesting you live your life in a self centered way, but life as a whole should be for YOU, not your friends, or those that think their friends, but their really people you jut dont want to be a part of your life anymore. Even the best of friends, can only go so far in the matter of directing your life, because its your movie.

SOOOOOOOO, back to the flaws, no matter what your flaw is, its probably the only thing hold you back from whatever your ultimate goal is. You may feel down and lonely, but if you can fix your fatal flaw, it might turn out that youve been on top of the world and you just didnt know it.

Keep living life
-Mason :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Mastermind and The Midnight Mower

For those of you that dont know me (which im sure is everybody) Im Mason. Im a freshmen in the drumline (snare), here in Kingwood, Texas. (Hence the drum-pun title). If you dont know, a paradiddle is a percussion thing... I love to listen to music of all kinds, good music is good music. I play set in my church youth worship band, and trust in God with all my life.I have a wonderful girlfriend of over a year, Hannah, whom I love with all my heart. And babe, whenever you read this, sorry I gave you a male cat and told you it was female... (sorry for the humiliation). I know some of you think Im a dork for naming my blog with a drum-pun, (Hannah), but whatever, because I do what I want, so back off. ;)

My blog was inspired by Kourtelynne Smith, aka the best drum major ever. Love for the Small Loud Panter Proud KPHS Marching Band!! As I mentioned, Im in the Kingwood Park Marching Band. I love not only listening to music, but making it as well. We all need something to feel like were doing something worth doing in this life, so why not entertain others and make them happy while having some fun yourself at the same time?? Band is my thing. Being a part of the drumline and band during band camp since August 1 has made the journey into the really important part of my student career we all know as High School (or Senior High for all you middle-agers out there), not only a change, but a reinvention of what I stand for.

I question things alot, just cuz. Lots of things need questioning, like the weather man having an ear to ear smile on his face as he announces a devastating hurricane approaching the coast. Or the guy across the street mowing his lawn at 12:30 AM... (yes thats really happening right now). Like why would you do that?? Its Labor Day weekend, its not like you couldnt find time during the day to do this! Could you not sleep knowing that your grass was an eighth of an inch too tall?

Coming into this, I had no idea what I was gonna write about, but my fingers just keep typing without ever filtering the words through my head. But mabye thats what blogs are right? A place to just talk and rant to people looking for a good laugh. And Im ok with that, cuz to be honest, alot of stuff I talk about on a daily basis is pretty funny. Not because Im trying to be, because apparently Im not funny at all when i try to do that. (Hannah again. Sorry babe love ya!!). So as my laptop battery creeps into the black hole of powerlessness, Im really looking forward to doing this, just for some downtime to talk. Thanks for listning, hope Im entertaining everybody :)